Happy Thanksgiving From the Well Church NJ

Nov 27, 2024    Pastors Selwyn & Michelle

Greetings to all of you and a Happy Thanksgiving!

God has been so gracious to us this year, and this week’s festivities give us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and say “Thank You” to the Lord while spending some quality time with family and friends. This week, we use the occasion to express our gratitude for their lives and their relationship with us. Family relationships are cherished relationships, and they are not always easy to maintain. There is a lot of history, familiarity, long-standing mindsets, memories (good and bad), and some experiences are tucked away for safekeeping, perhaps never to be spoken of again for a long time. Even with all of this, when the family comes together, we seek to set all of it aside and dig into the goodness that’s been prepared, and we’re often eager to make new memories together that we will remember for years to come.

[See our tagged Scripture verses above]

For this Thanksgiving, whether your guest list is large or small this year, there is one guest at your table that makes all the difference in the world; that is, The Holy Spirit. Our Scripture reading encourages us not to grieve or sadden Him with our words, tempers, or ill will towards one another. These are all recipes for a bitter aftertaste. But the family secret ingredients to the best relationships are found in Ephesians 5:1-2. Firstly, we’re encouraged to imitate God by loving and exercising the patience and level of sacrifice He showed us. Secondly, we walk in that sacrificial love. It’s not just for the moment but for a daily exercise. This kind of love is intentional. This is what marinates into the most amazing aroma—good to His nostrils and even better to those who “taste and see that the Lord is good!”

May every room in your homes carry the aroma of God’s unconditional Love. Make meaningful memories this year.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

From Pastors Selwyn & Michelle.