Right Hand of Fellowship Sunday
One of the essential parts of The Body ministry is the “right hand of fellowship.” Many churches view this as a form of church membership but its original intent was much deeper than that. In Galatians 2:9 Paul recounts how Peter James and John (Jesus’ disciples and now apostles of the Christian faith to the Jews) receiving Paul as an partner and fellow servant in the sacred mission of carrying Christ’s gospel to the Gentile nations. They were unified, they were in spiritual agreement and they were accountable to one another in fulfilling this mission.
The physical gesture of extending the right hand of fellowship spiritually signifies acceptance, agreement and a statement of “I’m with you in you walking in your journey of faith in Jesus and you fulfilling your good work of faith in seeking to disciple others.
If you believe that God has more for your life and you believe that we’re a part of that, then we would like to offer you our “right hand of fellowship.”