The People & Places God Chooses
Hidden in plain sight are principles that God shows us time and time again and sometimes we are not aware of the importance of the locations and the people that the Lord chooses to redeem. God doesn’t make mistakes about the places He chooses or the people He chooses to redeem. Sometimes, we question God’s choices because we feel that the locations He chooses don’t suit our convenience and the people He sends our way may not be our usual crowd. Today we can go into the Book of Deuteronomy and observe some enduring principles on how God chose a people and a place.
The book of Deuteronomy was the 5th book of what is known as the Pentateuch. These are the 5 books authored by Moses the first Prophet. And it is in this last of his 5 books that Moses writes His last words to Israel.
There are principles that we can observe from Deuteronomy:
God chooses a people
God chooses a place
God makes them a promise
God protects and instructs them
God allows his Presence and Power to dwell there with them.