You Are Loved
I bet you didn’t expect to be shown the kindness and love you may have just received! Well that’s exactly how it is with the Grace of God through His willingness to give us His Son Jesus. God was intentional with this Gift yet it caught us by surprise, and our hearts well up with gratefulness and love for Him.
What made God think of you today? Was it your present struggles, your tears, your health, or was it something else? God is not a panic giver. He is an intentional giver and He chooses us out of sheer LOVE. There is nothing exceptional that you need to do to earn this gift. His exceptional and boundless love already picked you! And nothing you can do or say will change the way He feels about you.
We hope you accepted this kind gesture today and that you received it as loving. We pray that you also accept Jesus as God’s gift for your life saying “Heavenly Father I receive your Son Jesus as Your perfect Gift for my life. The forgiveness of my sins and my place in eternal life. Amen.”